Thursday November 7
Cycled: None
On Day 2 of the first-time in Istanbul tourist game we visited the Archeological Museum (aka Sarcophagus central), braved the bazaars (Grand and Spice), ate a fish sandwich under a bridge, checked into the shadiest hostel yet, and weaved through Taksim square.
Archeological Museum of Istanbul
Madalene stands next to a giant sarcophagus to give a little bit of perspective. |
Clearly upstanding fantasy fans should visit Istanbul. I couldn't help but think... |
Is that the Southern Oracle ? |
And then there was off season Santa Claus selling Turkish flags outside. |
SPECIAL FEATURE: Things you could buy in Istanbul's bazaars...
Turd sticks. |
Shoes. |
Feet. |
Fish. |
Spices. |
But how to decide? |
Base it on shirt colour. I did. |
Purchases will require that you wade through this. |
When outside it looks like this. |
SPECIAL FEATURE: How to load a truck, Istanbul style...
Line all your shit up along the road. |
Get all of your friends to put down their cay for a minute. |
Fit em with these backpack magigers. |
Disregard any sensible safety precautions. Hope for the best. |
Mosque at night. |
Bridge at night. |
The entrance to Little Wing Hostel was not easy to find. |
Yes, this is the right place. |
The room started at 100 lira per night. We settle on 50 lira per night. |